Virgin Islands Studies

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1 yrs
This programme is primarily to provide teachers who are employed throughout the Territory, at the primary and secondary levels, a scholarly and practical grounding in Virgin Islands’ content and knowledge, from the perspective of several critical disciplines. These disciplines include cultural studies, sociology, geography, citizenship and governance, economics, and literature. (The specific pedagogical methodologies required for each discipline will also be integrated into the programme.) The Certificate will also be of interest to other working professionals who require this specific content knowledge, as well as to any individual with a personal interest. (Courses will be taught using a blend of e-learning and face- to-face instruction.) This certificate is not designed for transfer purposes however courses may transfer as electives at a university or may even be considered in meeting transfer requirements as writing intensive courses. Notes: In order to qualify for graduation, a student must have achieved a B grade, or higher, in each course within the Certificate Programme. Students should have taken ENG 104 English Composition 1 or its equivalent as a pre-requisite for the certificate programme.
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Suggested Sequence of Courses
Semester 1
VIS 110
Virgin Islands History
3 Credits
VIS 115
Literature of the Virgin Islands
3 Credits
Semester 2
VIS 135
Economics of the Virgin Islands
3 Credits
VIS 127
Citizenship and Governance in the Virgin Islands
3 Credits
Semester 3
VIS 121
Virgin Islands Culture and Society
3 Credits
VIS 125
Geography of the Virgin Islands
3 Credits