Admission Requirements


Associate Degree Programmes - AA, AS, AAS: Applicants can participate in associate degree programmes through several entry options:

A student who has earned a high school diploma or equivalent are eligible to enter any associate degree programme, although the student may have to take a test to determine Math and English placement.

A student who has not earned or is unable to produce high school completion documentation can enter an Associate degree level programme by enrolling in one of the College’s Certificate of Achievement programmes. The student must sit placement tests in Math and English and complete all pre-college courses indicated prior to taking any college level course work. Once the student has completed all the programme requirements for the certificate programme with a minimum grade of ‘C’, the student then becomes eligible to pursue an associate degree of choice.

Alternatively, a student without high school completion documentation wishing to enter an Associate degree level programme can apply as an enrichment student and enrol and successfully complete 12 general education credits with a minimum grade of ‘C’. Once the student has completed the 12 credits, the student then becomes eligible to pursue an associate degree of choice.

Certificate/Diploma Workforce Programmes

Students who have not earned a high school diploma, and who wish to earn a certificate by completing a group of courses that lead to, or enhance their immediate employment, will also be tested in reading, writing and mathematics. They will be required to complete appropriate pre-college level courses to enrol in any course that is also part of a degree programme. In the case of short-term customized certificate programmes, there is no testing process unless the student wishes to enrol in a credit-bearing programme.
Re-admitted Students

A re-admitted student is defined as any student who has not taken classes at HLSCC for two or more consecutive semesters (excluding the Summer Term). To return to the College to resume studies, the student must be in good standing, and must submit a letter requesting to return to the College to resume studies. If a student has not taken classes for more than four consecutive semesters, the student will have to complete the College’s application form. A re-admittance fee is charged.
Enrichment Classes

From time to time, the College offers classes that provide for personal enrichment. These non-credit classes do not require that participants meet any of the formal admission standards described above.
Students Transferring from Other Colleges

Students transferring from a post-secondary institution must have a minimum cumulative grade point average of 2.00. Courses recorded on an official transcript will be evaluated for acceptance as part of the student’s desired educational goal at the College. To aid in this process, course syllabi may be requested. A student must successfully complete a minimum of 50% of required courses at the College to receive a degree from the College.
High School Dual Enrolment

Students enroled in high school may also qualify for concurrent enrolment at the College. Such students must be seniors and must be recommended by the designated high school official based on their academic performance and potential to benefit from advanced instruction.
Class Audit Provisions

Residents of the community may register to “audit” any class that is offered for college credit without meeting the requirements stated above for admission to the college. Preference for credit classes is given to students registering for credit, and the cost of the class is the same for students wishing to audit. Registration to audit a class is made on an ’audit space-available basis’. College credit will not be available to the student who audits a course; and under no circumstances can a class completed for audit purposes subsequently be awarded college credit.
Lifelong Learning

The College encourages individuals to continue the pursuit of knowledge throughout the life cycle and offers courses and programmes for personal, civic and social purposes as well as for employment enhancement. These courses may take place in a variety of settings and may occur in or outside the formal education and training arenas. As these courses are designed to provide individuals with continuing educational opportunities, admission and participation standards may vary. Individuals who wish to change educational objectives after initial admission may be required to meet additional admission standards and follow additional procedures if appropriate to their revised intent.