Student Affairs

Mission & Vision

Student Affairs provides educational programs and services that foster academic success, personal and professional growth, leadership development, community engagement, and mentoring to maximize students’ potential.


Student Affairs will cultivate lifelong learners who engage in civic responsibilities and achieve personal success through strategic partnerships with academic divisions and community partners in alignment with the College’s vision and mission.

Core Values
Diversity, Inclusion and Social Justice

We aim to learn and understand the different experiences of our students and create a more multicultural community.

Holistic Development and Engagement

We actively seek to maximize the educational, personal, and social development of our students by honouring their learning styles and adapting our services to meet their unique needs and goals.


We encourage the free exchange of ideas and honour our commitments in an environment that embraces honesty, fairness, personal responsibility and ethical behaviour at all levels.

Personal Growth

We believe experiences outside the academic classroom are essential to a student’s well-being and that co-curricular activities are necessary for students’ success.

Student Centered

Our goal is to understand all the aspects that impact our students, as we aim to treat each student as an individual to help them achieve success.

Contact Information
Student Affairs

Student Success Centre, H. Lavity Stoutt Community College

Paraquita Bay, Tortola British Virgin Islands

+1 (284) 494-4994
Office Hours
8:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.
8:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.
8:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.
8:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.
8:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.
Meet Your Student Affairs Professionals
Albert Thompkins, Ph.D.
Denise Sargent-James, M.S.
Shanique Bartley-Alexander
Student Affairs Services
Academic Counseling

Sometimes the demands of coursework can be academically and personally challenging or even overwhelming. Through academic counseling, students can meet with the Student Success Coordinator and receive guidance on a specific area related to their studies, identify and develop learning strategies, and improve their academic performance. The Student Success Coordinator can help you with:

  • Absence Notifications to Instructors
  • Test anxiety
  • Poor grades
  • Identifying your learning styles
  • Effective note-taking skills
  • Academic success plans
  • Referrals

Career Development

Career Development Services provides resources and assistance for students to explore their interests and values, career options, develop effective job search skills, and obtain career related employment. This support includes, but is not limited to the following services:

  • Career Counseling: HLSCC students may seek help with selecting and planning a major or career; developing effective job search strategies, and other career related issues.
  • Self-Evaluations: We can help you assess your interests and learn about careers or majors that you like.
  • Workshop/Presentations: Topics include but are not limited to resume writing, interview skills, experiential learning, preparing an effective cover-letter, and dressing for success.
  • Resume Consultations: Guidance is provided on resume and cover-letter content and design on an individual basis.
  • Mock interviews: Get prepared for that upcoming or future interview by participating in a mock interview! You will be asked sample interview questions and receive constructive feedback for improvements. Videotaped mock interviews may also be available.

Personal Counseling

Counseling Services are free and confidential to all registered students of HLSCC. College life is a transitional period marked by change, growth, pressure, and stress. Our goal is to help students understand these experiences, find ways of coping and grow from their experiences.


HLSCC students interested in arranging an appointment can call (284) 852-7159 between 8:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. Monday-Friday. Walk-ins are also welcome but must yield to those with appointments.

Peer Mentor Program

The Stingray Peer Mentor program strives to improve the quality of college life for new students by increasing student retention and providing ongoing orientation to all aspects of HLSCC for the first academic year.


This program aims to provide academic and social integration, increased self-esteem and awareness, academic success, and greater self-perceived intellectual growth. Students interested in being Stingray Peer Mentors can contact the Transfer Counselor or complete an application:

Student Success Services

Student Affairs is charged with providing academic support services to all HLSCC students. We provide tutoring services, learning and study skills workshops, and learning consultations free of charge.


Additionally, our information contributes information to help you succeed and beyond. Take some time and explore our Student Success Resources page where you can obtain helpful information from other academic institutions and organizations geared towards your success.

Student Success Resources

Info to be sourced and uploaded

Transfer Counseling

At HLSCC, your tomorrow begins today! We know that students will be transitioning into the workforce or transferring to other academic institutions to further their education. Whatever path students choose to follow, the Transfer Counselor is available to help. It is never too early to start planning a successful exit strategy. Services include but are not limited to:

  • Individual Transfer Counseling: Involves the student’s interests and goals. Transfer options are explored and the process of applying to other academic institutions is discussed and next action steps identified.
  • College Essay Review: The components of a good college essay are shared with students and opportunities are provided for students to submit their essay for review.
  • College Admission Application: The Transfer Counselor can help students review and edit their transfer admission application.
  • College Visits: Representatives from various Colleges and Universities visit our campus on an individual basis. During these visits, students have opportunities to speak with these campus representatives and attend information sessions.

Student Affairs Forms
Absence Notification Form

In accordance with the Attendance Policy, it is the student’s responsibility to contact his/her lecturer or Head of Department and Student Affairs. Through the completion of the Absence Notification Form, Student Affairs can report your absence to your Instructors. Students can access the online Absence Notification Form using their HLSCC email address:


The Absence Notification Form is the official tool used to notify Instructors of a student’s absence. It does not imply nor make guarantees regarding course assignments that have been missed. Please consult with your Instructors regarding the ability to complete or make-up assignments.

Referral Form

The Referral Form is another tool used to assist students who may need additional individualized support services. This form can be completed by faculty, staff, and students for academic counseling, disability services, personal counseling, career development, transfer counseling, or any other matter that may be affecting students. The Referral Form can be accessed at:

Student Compliment/Complaint Form

Lavity Stoutt Community College is committed to a policy of fair treatment of its students in their relationships with administrators, faculty, staff, and fellow students. When exceptional service has been administered, students can acknowledge such service by providing a compliment.


When a service has been less than stellar, students are encouraged to seek an informal resolution of the matter directly with faculty or individuals involved when possible. For matters where a resolution is not feasible, a complaint can be filed. To facilitate compliments or complaints, you can complete a Compliment/Complaint Form.


All completed forms are kept on file in the office of the Director of Student Affairs. Upon receipt of the compliment/complaint, the form is reviewed and processed. Individuals filing a complaint form can expect an official response within five (5) business days. The Student Compliment/Complaint form can be accessed at:

Take the next step.