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This concentration has its focus on the concepts central to human existence while exposing students to the diversity reflected in humanity. Students will become familiarised with essential theories regarding the nature of philosophy, anthropology, music, literature, and historical investigation. This concentration will prove useful to those students who wish to study Law, History, Philosophy, and Anthropology. Note: Students are encouraged to take MAT 113 to satisfy the General Education Mathematics requirement. PSY 100 will count as a General Education requirement.
Note: Students are encouraged to take MAT 113 to satisfy the General Education Mathematics requirement.
PSY 100 will count as a General Education requirement.
Programme Goals

Produce and communicate clear and effective arguments and ideas formed independently.

Develop an appreciation and understanding of literature’s personal, cultural, and historical significance.

Demonstrate an understanding of literary forms through studying the elements, structures, and characteristics of different types of literature.

Examine historical events in world civilizations, as well as large trends and themes up through 1500.

Demonstrate an understanding of how societies change over time and the implications for today.

Demonstrate an understanding of the political systems of Britain and the U.S.A.

Demonstrate the ability to think critically about various theories and ideas in philosophy