Human Services

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This programme is designed to provide students with relevant and current knowledge in some areas of the behavioural sciences and to enable those students to apply that knowledge effectively in a wide range of social contexts. It is hoped that persons completing this programme would be able to serve the community in areas such as Social Welfare services, Guidance and Counselling, and Human Resource Management. Students are prepared to transfer to other colleges/universities.
Note: Students are encouraged to take MAT 113 to satisfy the General Education Mathematics requirement.
SOC 100 will count as a programme-specific requirement
Programme Goals

Understand and critically apply psychological theories to rationalise individual development and behaviour across the lifespan and interaction among individuals.

Examine the impact of social attitudes on individuals, groups, and families.

Apply entry-level counselling skills to facilitate individuals, groups, and families.

Demonstrate the knowledge and basic skills necessary to conduct social research.

Analyse the impact of social issues on people, agencies, communities, and service systems.

Communicate effectively in written and oral form in human services settings.