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This concentration is designed for students with a keen interest in developing an understanding of the diverse traditions of the world and the individual’s place in the cosmos. Special attention will be given to the development of the skills necessary for careers that emphasise analysis, evaluation, and application. This concentration will prove useful to those students who wish to study Law, History, Philosophy, Political Science, or Public Administration in the future.
Note: The courses ANT 100, SOC 100, HIS 120, HIS 121 and HIS 125 will be used as Programme Requirements for this programme. Students are encouraged to take General Education courses in the summer to avoid semester overload.
Programme Goals

Evaluate historical questions with an understanding of the roles played by multiple causes and consequences.

Recognise that interpretations of the past change and evaluate the basic strengths and weaknesses of competing interpretations

Demonstrate competence in oral and written communication through a variety of means such as research essays, presentations, and class discussions.

Demonstrate a critical understanding of the collective past of the people of the world.

Recognise the inclusive and exclusionary distinctions of diverse heritages, based on race, gender, class, creed, or other conditions.

Examine historical events in Virgin Islands history, as well as major trends and themes up to the present time

Examine historical events in Caribbean history, as well as major trends and themes up to the present time.

Examine historical events in western and other civilizations, as well as major trends and themes up through 1500.