General Science

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The Associate of Science in General Science degree will provide students with a solid foundation in biology, chemistry, and mathematics. Students can choose one of the three pathways that best fits their interests. Upon completion of this programme, graduates will have acquired knowledge and skills for jobs that require two years of college-level science and mathematics such as entry-level laboratory assistants, medical or hospital support staff, environmental officers, and research assistants.
Students can also continue their studies at four-year institutions in areas such as dentistry, medicine, pharmacy, optometry, biochemistry, marine biology, veterinary science, forensic science, engineering, or environmental science.
- General Education Requirements (33 credits)
- Programme Courses (21 credits)
- Programme Electives** – Select at least 7 credits from the listing (See your advisor for guidance):
- BIO 212 – Anatomy and Physiology I BIO 214 – Anatomy and Physiology II BIO 220 – Ecology
- BIO 230 – Genetics
- BIO 240 – Marine Biology
- BIO 260 – Research in Biology
- BIO 270 – Nutrition
- CHE 210 – Organic Chemistry I CHE 212 – Organic Chemistry II MAT 210 – Calculus ll
- MAT 220 – Calculus ll
- PHY 110 – General Physics I
- PHY 112 – General Physics II
Programme Goals

Prepare students for entry-level jobs in the field of science and for transfer to a Baccalaureate programme.

Provide students with a solid foundation in the concepts and methods of a variety of science and mathematics disciplines.

Enhance the development of students’ competency in scientific enquiry, writing, and oral presentation.

Develop analytical and critical thinking skills.