Tuition Assistance

TAP Amendments to be implemented for Fall 2022:

TAP may apply only to the first degree, or the first 70 credits attempted

The following restrictions to be implemented: 1) After a failure, student taking alternate general education courses will be charged. 2) The electives to be taken within course requirements must be clearly stated on the degree audit.

Enrichment courses in the College Catalogue are restricted under TAP

Eligible students must maintain a GPA of 2.0 to continue to access TAP

Only BVIslanders or Belongers can access TAP

Per-college and non-credit courses do not qualify for TAP
Applicants must be the holder of one of the following documents and submit same to the Registry at HLSCC:

British Passport issued by the Virgin Islands

British Virgin Islands Belonger Card

British Passport with place of birth as British Virgin Islands

Certificate of Naturalisation as a British Overseas Territory Citizen (BVI).