Tuition & Fees

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Tuition and Fees are separate charges. All students are assigned to a specific category, which specifies which level of tuition the student is charged. Fees are standard for all students. Some fees, such are Science Lab Fees are refundable if a student withdraws from a class within the refund period. Student Fees (Registration Fees), however, are non-refundable.
Category IA

i. BVIslanders, ii. Belongers, iii. Naturalized Citizens
Category IB

i. HLSCC Employee (Student Fees only), ii. HLSCC Employee’s Spouse, iii. HLSCC Employee’s Dependent Child under 18 years of age, iv. Government Employees, v. Individuals granted Legal BVI Residency
Category II

i. Individuals residing in the British Virgin Islands for seven years or more, ii. Dependent child under the age of 18 whose parent has been residing in the BVI for seven plus (7+) years.
Category III

i. Individuals residing in the BVI for less than seven years, ii. Dependent child under the age of 18 whose parents have been residing in the BVI for less than seven (7) years, iii. Individuals in the Territory for the expressed purpose of attending HLSCC.
Application Fee
(TAP), Government Free Tuition Assistance Programme
$55 Per Credit
$105 Per Credit
$110 Per Credit
Student Fee
Student Govt. Fee
Orientation Fee
Technology Fee
Property Fee
Registration Fee
Late Registration Fee
Educational Resources
Tuition (Culinary)
(TAP) Government Free Tuition Assistance Programme
$147 Per credit
$284 Per credit
$318 Per credit
Year 1/Semester 1
$400 (per year)
$300 (per year)
Year 1/Semester 2 & Year 2
Culinary Lab Fee
$530 (per course)

Total Per Semester Registration Fees:
New/Transfer Students: $465.00, Returning/Re-Admitted Students: $385.00