Student Success Centre

The Student Success Centre is a “one-stop-shop” for support services that promote and enable student success. The purpose of the Centre is to advocate for, provide and facilitate the delivery of services designed to meet the academic support, and personal and career development needs of students. Complementing the efforts of the teaching facility, students will be served through a personalised and structured approach that includes:

Basic skills assessment and course placement

Transfer information and planning

College and life skills development

Health care and information

Resolve personal difficulties

Organize student activities

Plan their career

Academic advising and academic tutoring

Personal counselling

Career assessment and counselling

Manage their time

Join or form a student organization

Develop leadership skills
Other Services
Through the Student Success Centre, there will be overall access to information, social, leadership, and personal development activities offered through workshops, organisation, and other student-related opportunities. Services offered include:

Academic Support Services

Student Orientation

Peer Mentor Programme

Tutoring and Study Skills

Student Advising

Transfer Counselling

Personal Growth & Development

Student Orientation

Peer Mentor Programme

Tutoring and Study Skills

Student Advising

Career Development

Student Orientation

Peer Mentor Programme