Strategic Plan

Charting our course
Promote Excellence & Expand Opportunities
We will renew our commitment to achieving academic excellence by promoting innovative pedagogy and by investing in our faculty and our programmes. We will continue to build a strong foundation of academic excellence by enhancing opportunities for faculty professional development and by strategically developing and growing programmes to meet the needs of our students and our community.
Strategic Objectives
1.1 Pursue relevant and market-driven academic, short-term, alternative credential, and Career Technical Education (CTE) programmes.
1.2 Create clear curricular pathways and learning outcomes that lead to timely programme completion.
1.3 Ensure that faculty engage in high-quality curricular practices.
1.4 Expand and improve online teaching, learning, and educational resources.
1.5 Improve student preparation for transfer to colleges and universities
1.6 Explore ways to educate our students and other stakeholders to recognise disinformation to help mitigate its impact on society.
Improve Support Services, Reduce Access Barriers, & Increase Enrollment
We will grow our enrolment by removing barriers that may prohibit persons from furthering their education as they seek to pursue meaningful lives and careers. We recognise the importance of supportive relationships on student learning and, ultimately, student success. We believe students succeed when we devote our energies to continuously improving their experiences in and out of the classroom. To this end, we will continue to develop a shared sense of ownership for ensuring quality services across all areas of the college and fully supporting faculty and staff in developing and improving co-curricular activities and services to support our students.
Strategic Objectives
2.1 Expand the health and other related services provided to students, faculty, and staff.
2.2 Improve the student advising and other academic support systems,
2.3 Increase recruitment and retention of students.
2.4 Expand extra-curricular activities to further enrich the student experience.
Promote & Strengthen the College’s Brand & Relationships
We will create a wave of enthusiasm and engagement for our institution through the implementation of a powerful new HLSCC brand strategy. We will advance the value of HLSCC to our community through compelling expressions of our core values, by expanding the personal and strategic relationships we forge, and by the strategic positioning of our offerings. By applying our academic and professional expertise to collaborations with community stakeholders and regional and international partners, we will improve the quality of life for the communities we serve.
Strategic Objectives
3.1 Enhance the institution’s value to students, alumni, and the community.
3.2 Build collaborative relationships that will provide direct benefits to both the college and the local community as well as our regional and international partners.
Excellence in Planning, Assessment, Governance, & Communication
We will strengthen our college community by developing new and improved channels for dialogue, participation, collaboration, and innovation. We will invest in our employees through enhanced professional engagement and development opportunities to strengthen our foundations in planning and assessment and help us work smarter and faster in achieving our strategic initiatives.
Strategic Objectives
4.1 Improve our planning practices by focusing on the use of data in making decisions and assessing progress on initiatives.
4.2 Improve our academic and institutional assessment processes.
4.3 Manage the accreditation process to ensure reaffirmation including the impact of any new regulation changes.
4.4 Foster a culture of collegiality, collaboration, and innovation.
4.5 Develop new tools and processes to ensure effective and inclusive communication within the college.
Expand & Enhance the Capacity of the College
We will reshape and remake our campus not only for the present, but for future generations of HLSCC alumni, faculty, staff, students, and friends through the phased implementation of our Campus Master Plan. We will invest in and support technology to enhance efficiency and access while ensuring a secure, reliable, and user-friendly experience. We will be innovative in securing robust resources to deliver excellent academic and co-curricular programming while fostering a culture of transparency where all stakeholders are responsible for the financial viability of the institution. We will apply principles of environmental sustainability to our business practices and make substantive progress toward energy efficiency and conservation.
Strategic Objectives
5.1 Revitalise the campus by implementing a campus master plan that is bold, creative, and innovative.
5.2 Utilise technology to improve college processes and support student learning.
5.3 Expand and enhance the financial capacity of the college.