STEP is the worldwide professional association for those advising families across generations. They are the leading worldwide professional body for practitioners in the fields of trust, estates and related issues. They promote best practice, professional integrity and education to their members. STEP members work with families, helping them with real problems. Some examples of what their members advise on are: providing for a husband following his wife’s death, while protecting the interests of their children; ensuring elderly or vulnerable relatives are cared for and supported; helping families with interests spread across the world to be compliant with the laws and tax rules of different countries; ensuring that a family business will pass safely from one generation to another; and helping clients to support charitable causes in an effective way.Why RMI for these qualifications?
The Robert Mathavious Institute for Financial Services started delivering STEP programmes in 2010, so with over 6 years of experience, and excellent pass rates, you can be confident of success by studying with us.Qualifications available
STEP offer a number of qualifications, from entry-level programmes to advanced certificates and diplomas.
The STEP Certificates are entry level qualifications and are designed to be introductions to estate planning and wealth management.
Full details of all certificates available.
Enquire about STEP certificate courses
The STEP Advanced Certificates are designed for practitioners who want to enhance their knowledge of a specialist subject, or obtain a Specialist Diploma
Full details of all advanced certificates available.
Enquire about STEP advanced certificate courses
Completing a Diploma allows you to become a Full Member, providing you have a minimum of two years’ experience.
Full details of all certificates available.
Enquire about STEP diploma courses
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