
Members of Leadership
Board of Governors

Prof. Emeritus Arthur G. Richardson, Chairman

Dr. L. Sauda Smith, Deputy Chairman

Dr. Richard Georges, President HLSCC, ex-officio

Mr. Kenneth Baker

Ms. Adenike Sicard-Flax

Mrs. Shanica Maduro Christopher

Mr. Derek Dunlop

Ms. Lynette Harrigan, MBE

Mr. Hakim Creque

Dr. Anthony Layne

Dr. Paula Trotman-Hastings

Mr. John Williams

Ms. Deann Parsons

Dr. Marcia Potter, Permanent Secretary Ministry of Education & Culture, ex-officio

Mrs. Florence Phillips-Board Secretary, ex-officio
Academic Committee

Dr. L. Sauda Smith, Chairman

Dr. Anthony Layne

Prof. Emeritus Arthur G. Richardson

Ms. Deann Parsons

Dr. Ronald Brunton, Vice President- Academic Affairs, College Liaison, ex-officio
Human Resources Committee

Mrs. Adenike Sicard-Flax, Chairman

Mr. Hakim Creque

Mrs. Shanica Maduro Christopher

Mr. Kenneth Baker

Dr. Richard Georges, President, College Liaison, ex-officio

Ms. Alesia Hamm, Human Resources Manager, ex officio
Business Development Committee

Mr. John Williams, Chairman

Mr. Hakim Creque

Mr. Derek Dunlop

Dr. Richard Georges, President, College Liaison, ex-officio

Ms. Yvonne Crabbe, Director of Institutional Advancement, ex officio
Finance Committee

Mr. Kenneth Baker, Chairman

Ms. Lynette Harrigan, MBE

Mr. John Williams

Dr. Richard Georges, President, ex-officio

Mrs. Elenore George, Bursar, College Liaison, ex-officio
Quality Assurance Committee

Dr. Paula Trotman-Hastings, Chairman

Dr. Anthony Layne

Mr. Hakim Creque

Ms. Deann Parsons

Dr. Luverne Vanterpool-Baptiste, Vice President Operations, College Liaison, ex-officio
President’s Cabinet Members

Dr. Richard Georges, President

Dr. LuVerne Vanterpool-Baptiste, Vice President of Operations and Quality Assurance

Dr. Ronald Brunton, Vice President of Academic Affairs

Elenore George, Bursar

Dr. Patricia Johnson, Director of Planning and Institutional Effectiveness

Yvonne Crabbe, Director of Institutional Advancement

Marquese Maduro, Director of Facilities Department

Lucia J. Dawson, Registrar

Billy Lettsome, Director of Information Technology

Office of the President

On October 1st, 2020, Dr. Richard Georges was appointed the President of H. Lavity Stoutt Community College.

Having graduated from HLSCC in 2000, Dr. Georges is the first alumnus to lead the College. Dr. Georges is a former Senior Lecturer and Head of the Humanities Department at the College, before transitioning to the post of Director of Institutional Advancement and subsequently the Vice President of Academic Affairs. Dr. Georges is an award-winning author of fiction, poetry, and essays in addition to being a scholar of cultural and critical theory.
Dr. Georges is a Phi Theta Kappa certified Leadership Development Facilitator and holds a Bachelor’s degree in English from Texas Christian University, a Masters in Creative Writing from Aberystwyth University, and a Doctorate in Critical and Creative Writing from Sussex University. He is a Fellow at the Stellenbosch Institute of Advanced Study, a prize-winning author, and the current Poet Laureate of the Virgin Islands.