Islands-in-Between Conference
24 - 26 October, 2024

The Islands In Between Conference is an annual collaboration between the University of the Virgin Islands, the University of the West Indies-Cave Hill, and the University of Puerto Rico. The primary goal of the Conference is to extend a tertiary academic presence to islands that are devoid of university-tier institutions. This conference serves as a platform for local students, scholars, and the broader community to explore the literature, languages, and cultures of the Eastern Caribbean. The Conference aims to foster connections and encourage collaborative discussions and research in vital subjects.
The conference is being held this year at the H. Lavity Stoutt Community College in the British Virgin Islands from 24th - 26th October, 2024.
The conference will be held in the Learning Resource Centre (LRC) and the Eileene L. Parsons Auditorium.
| WEDNESDAY 23/10 | THURSDAY 24/10 | FRIDAY 25/10 | SATURDAY 26/10 |
Registration | Arrival Day and Meet and Greet (Evening) | Registration | Registration | Registration |
9:00-10:20 |
10:20-10:50 |
| Coffee | Coffee |
10:50-12:10 |
| Lunch | Lunch | Lunch 12:00-2pm | |
1:20-3:20 |
| PAPERS BLOCK 2 | PAPERS BLOCK 6 | Island Tour |
3:20-3:40 |
| Coffee | Coffee | |
3:40-5:40 |
| PAPERS BLOCK 3 | Business Mtg. | |
Evening | Meet and Greet plus Registration | Cultural Night or Dinner | Cultural Night or Dinner |
8:00AM-12:00 NOON: Registration (LRC Reception)
9:00-9:30AM: OPENING (Room: Eileen Parsons Auditorium) Emcee: Dana Lewis Ambrose
Official Opening.
Welcome from Dr. Richard Georges, BVI Poet Laureate and President of the H. Lavity Stoutt Community College
Welcome from one of the conference founders: Prof. Peter Roberts, University of the West Indies, Cave Hill
Short remarks from a representatives of the University of Puerto Rico: Prof. Dannabang Kuwabong, Department of English
9:30-10:30AM: KEYNOTE ADDRESS (Room: Eileen Parsons Auditorium) Emcee: Dana Lewis Ambrose
Hon. Ingrid Moses Scatliffe: Empowering Our Future: Constitutional Advancement and Leadership in the Virgin Islands
10:30-11:00AM: Coffee Break (LRC Conference Room)
11:00AM-12:30PM (THURSDAY): PLENARY (Combined Sessions A & B) (Room: Eileen Parsons Auditorium). Emcee: Mrs. Shaina Smith Archer
Ms. Sharon Flax Brutus
Mr. Coy Levons
Hon. Ingrid Moses Scatliffe
Dr. Harlan Vanterpool
The Political Status of Being an ‘Island in Between’
12:30-2:00PM: Lunch at participants’ expense (Tents, Cafeteria, Local Restaurants)
2:00-3:30PM (THURSDAY): Parallel Sessions C & D:
Session C (Room: Atrium, LRC): WRITING IN BETWEEN (Chair: Cristal Heffelfinger)
Genevieve Ruth Phagoo, H. Lavity Stoutt Community College, BVI: Flight and Fracture: Crash and Shipwreck in Barbara Lalla’s By Such a Parting Light
Betsy Nies, University of North Florida, US: Writing the Trauma of Coming of Age in Trinidad: The Young Adult Works of Kevin Hosein and Tamika Gibson
Bianca Peña Ruiz, University of Puerto Rico, Rio Piedras: Unraveling Contemporary Dystopias: Puerto Rican Science Fiction
Session D (Room: Green Room. LRC): DIMENSIONS OF IN-BETWEENNESS (Chair: Sally Delgado)
Peter Roberts, Professor Emeritus, The University of the West Indies, Cave Hill, Barbados: Book Presentation: Cacabelly Turn Yellowtail
Alma Simounet and Eugenio Geigel, University of Puerto Rico, Rio Piedras: Puerto Rico, a nation that belongs to but is not a part of: A human rights dilemma for the United States, a legal and cultural anomaly.
Chenzira Davis Kahina, University of the Virgin Islands, St. Croix Campus, USVI: Sovereign Resilience: Maroons Legacy and AfraFuturist Innovations in the Caribbean
3:30-4:00PM: Coffee Break (LRC Conference Room)
4:00-5:30PM (THURSDAY): Parallel Sessions E & F
Session E (Room: Atrium, LRC): IDENTITIES IN BETWEEN (Chair: Cristal Heffelfinger)
Katherine Miranda Lerchl, University of Puerto Rico, Rio Piedras: Imposition, Appropriation, Resistance: Attitudes towards English in Puerto Rico
Wendell Villanueva, University of Puerto Rico, Cayey: Moko Jumbie: The Search for a Caribbean Identity
Kevin Kelly, University of Puerto Rico, Arecibo: Lesbian Desire and Trepidation in Shani Mootoo’s Valmiki’s Daughter
Session F (Room: Green Room, LRC): IN-BETWEENNESS AND AFRO-ATLANTIC IDENTITIES (Chair: Sally Delgado)
Nagueyalti Warren, Emory University, US: Women Architects of Négritude
Natalia Ron-Lopez, Carleton College, US: Homo Narrans Meets the Slave: A Reading of Wilderson’s and Wynter’s Answer to the Aporia of the Black Subject
Nicholas Faraclas, Dannabang Kuwabong, Gabriella Panelli, Suan Aponte Andjuar, Elizabeth Barrows, Itza Hernandez, Emily Hernandez, Marien Villanueva, Valeria del Toro, Alicia Figueroa, Graciela Martinez, and Nemesis Morales, University of Puerto Rico, Rio Piedras, and Desmond Odugwu, University of Illinois Champaign: Longue Durée, Diasporic Waves and Trans-performances: Time, Space, Intersectionality and Radical Re-readings of Afropolitan and Afropean Belonging
7:00PM-ONWARD (THURSDAY): CULTURAL NIGHT AT CARROT BAY Transportation back to hotels will be provided after the event. Please indicate your attendance at the Registration Desk.
9:00AM-3:00PM: Registration (LRC Reception)
9:00-10:30AM (FRIDAY): Parallel Sessions G & H:
Session G (Room: Atrium, LRC): COLONIALITY, GENDERING AND IN-BETWEENNESS (Chair: Korah Belgrave)
Sally J. Delgado and Dylan X. Vázquez Soliván, University of Puerto Rico, Cayey: How Puerto Ricans define their English variety both challenges and perpetuates colonial legacies
Valeria Acevedo in dialogue with Alma Simounet Bey, University of Puerto Rico, Rio Piedras: Enslaved Women's Bodies, Literary Archeology, Critical Fabulation, and the Story of Rosa Bey
Suan Aponte Andujar, Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona and University of Puerto Rico, Rio Piedras: Identidades trans: estudio de caso sobre el discurso no binario
Session H (Room: Green Room, LRC): MUSIC AND LITERATURE IN BEETWEEN (Chair: Gabriella Panelli)
Susanne Muehleisen, Bayreuth University, Germany: Picong and puns, boasting and complaining: Oral performance in the language of Calypso
Sixto J. Merced Rolón, Julia I. Laporte García y el Colectivo Umoja, Puerto Rico: Del baile de bomba al bombazo: mirada al género musical de la bomba en el área sur de Puerto Rico en dos momentos históricos; mediados de S. XX vs. la segunda década del S. XXI
Dannabang Kuwabong, University of Puerto Rico, Rio Piedras: Book Presentation: Rhetoric of Resistance, Labor of Love: The EcoPoetics of Nationhood in the Poetry and Prose of Lasana M. Sekou
10:30-11:00AM: Coffee Break (LRC Conference Room)
11:00AM-12:30 PM (FRIDAY): Parallel Sessions I & J:
Session I (Room: Atrium, LRC): EDUCATION IN BETWEEN (Chair: Janice Jules)
Iris Hewitt-Bradshaw, Lynette Tyson-Noel, and Cynthia Celestin, University of Trinidad and Tobago, Independent Researcher, University of Trinidad and Tobago: Developing Students' Knowledge of Conventional Standard English Spelling in English Creole Speech Communities
Sandra Figaro-Henry, The University of the West Indies, St. Augustine, Trinidad and Tobago: Facing, Fate, Flexibility, and the Future: A Plausible, Pliable, Path for Higher Education in Caribbean Islands
Cynthia Pittmann, University of Puerto Rico, Rio Piedras: Applying Mindfulness Techniques to Teaching Pedagogy: An Integrative Approach in Puerto Rican Classrooms
Session J (Room: Green Room, LRC): THE DISCOURSE AND PRAGMATICS OF IN-BETWEENNESS (Chair: Gabriella Panelli)
Elizabeth Barrows, University of Puerto Rico, Rio Piedras: A Brief Analysis of Discourse and Counter-Discourse in the Documentary “Landfall”
Cristal Heffelfinger Nieves, University of Puerto Rico: The Pragmatics of Politeness on Anglophone Radio Stations in Tortola, BVI
Gabriel E. Suárez, University of Puerto Rico, Rio Piedras: Billboards, Junk Food and Colonial/Neocolonial Hegemony in Puerto Rico: A Multimodal Critical Discourse Analysis
12:30-2:00PM: Lunch at participants’ expense (Tents, Cafeteria, Local Restaurants)
2:00-3:30PM (FRIDAY): Parallel Sessions K & L:
Session K (Room: Atrium, LRC): LANGUAGE MAKING AND BREAKING (Chair: Janice Jules)
Terri Lynne Bakker, Independent Researcher, Saba: The Secret Handshake of Dutch: How the Dutch have systematically denied access to their language
Angela Bartens, Philipp Krämer and Eric Mijts, University of Turku, Finland, Free University Brussels, Belgium, University of Aruba: Language Making in postcolonial societies: the case of creole languages
Nicholas Faraclas, Ellen-Petra Kester and Eric Mijts, University of Puerto Rico, Utrecht University, Netherlands, University of Aruba: Chambuká. This is basically what we do with language in our work. We make the best of a bad situation. Study for a language policy for Bonaire
Session L (Room: Green Room, LRC): IN-BETWEENNESS AND PERFORMANCE (Chair: Korah Belgrave)
Camilla Stevens, Rutgers University, US: Book Presentation: The Coloniality of Catastrophe in Caribbean Theater and Performance
Keja Valens, Salem State University, US: Nyamming and Naming Virgin Islands Native Recipes
Meagan Sylvester, Music Sociologist, Author and Researcher, Trinidad and Tobago. Nostalgia and Memory in Caribbean Music
3:30-4:00PM: Coffee Break (LRC Conference Room)
Gabriella Panelli, University of Puerto Rico, Rio Piedras: Digitalizing the Islands in Between Annual Volumes on the Languages, Literatures and Cultures of the Caribbean.
Venue for the 2020 confeence
Book Launches
7:00PM ONWARD (FRIDAY): DINNER at at SushiBar (Administrative Dr. at Waterfront Dr. in Road Town). Participants will pay for their own dinners and drinks and then will arrange their own transport back to their hotels. Please indicate your attendance at the Registration Desk.
9:00-10:30AM: Registration (LRC Reception)
9:00-11:00AM (SATURDAY): Parallel Sessions M & N:
Session M (Room: Atrium, LRC): THE ART, ARCHITECTURE AND LANGUAGING OF IN-BETWEENNESS (Chair: Dannabang Kuwabong)
Isis Kayiga, Brown University, US: Returning the Colonial Gaze: 18th and 19th century painting in Jamaica and the counter-aesthetics of its Modern Arts Movement
Elizabeth Rezende, Independent Researcher, St. Croix: Each building upholds the character of a town: Cumberland Castle, Frederiksted, St. Croix 1800-1921
Stella M. Ramirez, University of Puerto Rico, Rio Piedras: Lest We Forget: Post-Hurricane María Artistic and Literary Response in Puerto Rico and The United States Virgin Islands
Asan Hoyte, The University of the West Indies, Cave Hill, Barbados: Filling in the gaps: Tense Aspect and Modality in Bajan
Session N (Room: Green Room, LRC): IN-BETWEENNESS, LITERARY VOICES AND TRANSLATION (Chair: Peter Roberts)
Abigayle Claggett-Farrier, Tarrant County College, US: Constructing an Antiguan Literary Voice
Hélène Garrett and Wilhelm Teebaum, Independent Researchers, Canada, Germany: How memories of the past influence our present: A story from Suriname
Emily Taylor, Presbyterian College, US. Cuban Version: The Casa de las Américas Translation of Wide Sargasso Sea
Sherean Shehada, University of Puerto Rico, Rio Piedras: Contemporary Historical Narratives of Slave Resistance in the Caribbean: The Case of Jamaica
11:00AM-12:30PM (SATURDAY): Parallel Sessions P & Q:
Session P (Room: Atrium, LRC): CLASSROOMS IN BETWEEN (Chair: Dannabang Kuwabong)
Judy Rocke, Akini Gill, and Cynthia Celestin, University of Trinidad and Tobago: Composing Calypso Lyrics with Reference to the Paul-Elder Critical Thinking Model at a Teacher Education Institution in Trinidad and Tobago
Katrina A. G. Welch, The University of the West Indies, Cave Hill, Barbados: An Examination of Students’ Ability to Apply and Transfer the Writing Skills Taught in a University Expository Writing English Course
Jason Siegel and Ronald Francis, The University of the West Indies, Cave Hill, Barbados:
Linguistic inequality in education: Denial of mother tongue education in the Caribbean
Session Q (Room: Green Room, LRC): IN-BETWEENNESS, WORK AND ORGANIZATION (Chair: Peter Roberts)
Dana Lewis-Ambrose, H Lavity Stoutt Community College, BVI: Applying Business Continuity Plans and Risk Management Models to Non-Profit Organisations in the Virgin Islands
Nsaka Sesepkekiu, The Financial Services Regulatory Commission, Antigua and Barbuda: Adjusted Realities: Employment Law in Antigua and Barbuda during the period of Pandemic, March 2020 to March 2021.
José Montañez, Inter-American University of Puerto Rico: Los juegos de mesa y electrónicos como métodos de enseñanza del emprendimiento
José Montañez, Inter-American University of Puerto Rico: El estrés laboral en Latinoamérica y el Caribe
12:30-2:00PM: Lunch at participants’ expense (Local Restaurants only)
2:00PM ONWARD (SATURDAY): ISLAND TOUR (Keith Smith Tours) at participants’ expense, buses leave from HLSCC LRC at 2:00PM. Maximum capacity 25 persons. Pre-registration is required at the Registration Desk. More details will be provided at a later date.
Nanny Cay Resort & Marina

Nanny Cay Hotel is a charming and luxurious accommodation with 52 rooms nestled within the picturesque garden of Nanny Cay Resort and Marina in the British Virgin Islands, offering guests a tranquil and upscale experience with stunning views of the Caribbean Sea.
Rates: $240 and up
The Moorings Yacht Club Hotel

The recently renovated The Moorings Yacht Club Hotel offers the perfect place for travelers to stay before and after their yacht charter. Enjoy the premier lodging accommodations and take in the view of the harbor from the balcony of the oceanfront hotel rooms.
Rates: $245 and up
Wyndham Lambert Beach Resort

Retreat to Tortola’s stunning northeast shore for an idyllic stay at Wyndham Tortola BVI Lambert Beach Resort. Situated on one of the Caribbean’s most beautiful beaches, our contemporary 14.4-acre property features one of the biggest fresh water pools in the British Virgin Islands with a convenient swim-up bar and cabanas.
Rates: $185 and up
Maria's by the Sea

Discover Maria’s By The Sea Hotel and delight in the sweeping views of the harbour, central views of Road Town, capital of the British Virgin Islands, and the lush green backdrop of the surrounding hills. Our hotel is a premier location for your stay whether for leisure or business. We provide top of the line meeting and business facilities and professional courteous services to make your next business or social event a memorable one.
Rates: $245 and up
Village Cay

Village Cay is located in the Heart of the BVI. A 23 boutique hotel with amenities on site and access to great shopping and provisioning on and off property
Rates: $200 and up
Mode of Travel Name | Prices |
Silver Airways (Direct from Puerto Rico) | $200 (for early birds) |
Cape Air (Direct from Puerto Rico) | $755 |
American Airlines (Direct from Miami) | $555 |
American Airlines (From New York with stops) | $650 |
InterCaribbean (with stops) | Varying prices |
Caribbean Airlines (with stops) | Varying prices |
Ferries (from St. Thomas to Road Town) | $110 pp (adults) $90 pp (senior) $10 luggage |

Main Street Restaurant
102 Main Street, Directly behind Pussers.

Prime Restaurant
Waterfront Drive, Road Town

Waterfront Drive, Road Town

Seven at the Pier
Cyril B. Romney Tortola Pier Park
Wickhams Cay
1 284-494-7707

Coconut Lounge
Cyril B. Romney Tortola Pier Park
Wickhams Cay

The Watering Hole
Wickham's Cay
Bar & Grill
1 284-346-5950

Tabanca Restaurant and Bar
Main Street
1 284-346-9050

Delhi Corner
Cyril B. Romney Tortola Pier Park
Wickhams Cay
Car Rentals
Things to Do
Activity Name and Company | Location | Price and Contact |
Pottery – Pottery Garden | Josiah’s Bay | $40 - $360 depending on class |
Mini Golf – Wack Attack | Cane Garden Bay | $5 - $12 |
Tennis – BVI Tennis Association | East End/Long Look | $7 per session |
Salsa Dance Classes | Road Town | $15 individual | $25 couple |
Candlemaking – Red Sun Aromatherapy | None – reservations space will be up to you | $35pp (4oz) | $50pp (8oz) |
Hiking – Hike BVI | Various places | $40 - $80 |
Kayaking – Hike BVI (day) | Various Locations (Hike BVI) | $50 pp (Paradize) |
Bowling – Save the Seed | Duff’s Bottom | $25 (30 mins) | $35 (1 hour) | $3 bowling shoes |
Whaler Tours – Land and Sea Power Services Limited | Trellis Bay | $75 - $200 depending on length |
Diving Classes – Sail Caribbean | Hodge’s Creek Marina | $75 - $585 depending on class |
Jet Ski Rentals – Private Dancer Water Sports | Cane Garden Bay | $60 pp |
Kite Surfing – Kite Surf BVI | Various Coastal Areas | $70 - $600 depending on lesson |
Ziplining – Original Virgin Canopy Tours | Long Trench | $50 pp |
Axe Throwing - DuckNDive | Brandywine Bay | $20 pp per hour |
DIY Creative Adventures – Create BVI | Fish Bay | -Fluid Bear Painting - $15-$50 |
Electric Scooter Rentals | Road Town* | $15 - $44 |
Bingo and Karaoke – Sebastian’s | Apple Bay (Thursdays and Saturdays @ 7pm) Trellis Bay (Saturdays) | Free |
Paintball – Masterminds Entertainment VI | Road Town | 546-1986 |
ATV Riding – Salt Life Adventure | White Bay – Jost Van Dyke | $85 - $200 depending on activity chosen |
For more information about the BVI, please visit
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