Trust the training of your employees to the experience and expertise of RMI. With a range of qualifications appropriate to the Financial Services industry here in the BVI, you can develop the capabilities within your own firm to support your success. We can offer attractive payment plans to employer funded programmes, discounts on multiple enrolments for the same programme and private courses at your own premises are also possible. As a multi-institution accredited tuition provider you can be assured of the quality of tuition on all RMI programmes. For added peace of mind RMI can offer progress reporting and insight on your staff if you funding their studies.Why support your employees with professional qualifications?
Supporting your employees with professional qualifications doesn’t have to mean paying for all of their studies. Sponsorship and support agreements vary from paying all or part of the costs of a qualification, to offering additional paid leave in order to attend professional exams. Offering employees the ability to study a professional qualification whilst working for you can help build a reputation in the BVI employment market as an organisation that provides development opportunities for its staff. It has been consistently shown that staff who are given the opportunity to develop themselves with the support of their employer, are more likely to feel valued, more likely to progress within your organization and ultimately to demonstrate increased loyalty to their employer. Retaining staff will reduce costs associated with advertising, recruiting and inducting new staff members, as well as ensuring retention of knowledge specific to your organization and processes. Supporting your staff to study a professional qualification also allows your employees to demonstrate their capabilities, to obtain formal, global recognition of their abilities and helps you to identify talented people for further development and potentially promotion. Professional qualifications are not just for university graduates. The range of professional qualifications available at the Robert Mathavious Institute, mean that you can offer both entry level and higher level opportunities to your employees. Entry level qualifications for example can enable you to reduce and target more effectively the costs of recruitment, salary and training by developing junior employees in the specific occupational skills that they need to effectively perform their duties. Your company could be able to achieve better and earlier returns on its training investments as people will be able to progress to a level matched to their capabilities and appropriate for their job roles. If you need advice or want to discuss how RMI can help you to support your employees and improve their professional capabilities, please contact us today to arrange a complimentary and confidential advisory meeting.Stay up to date

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