ICSA Course Offerings at RMI

About CGI: The Governance Institute
The Corporate Governance Institute (CGI), is the professional body responsible for governance. Governance, the way a company is governed, matters. Strong governance helps organizations to achieve their goals by acting appropriately and fairly. Boards must exhibit the highest standards of leadership, decision making and behavior to maintain public trust. They have a worldwide presence, with more than 40,500 members and students in 80 countries. CGI provide training and guidance on the financial, legal and ethical requirements for informed decisions at board level.Why should you choose RMI for these qualifications?
The Robert Mathavious Institute for Financial Services is an CGI Registered Tuition Provider.Qualifications available
Company secretaries are governance professionals who support and advise the board. CGI’s Chartered Secretaries Qualifying Scheme (CSQS) combines law, finance and corporate governance with strategic management and decision making. CGI confers chartered status on those who qualify and gain sufficient experience. CGI offers certificate and diploma courses in areas of financial compliance, governance and company secretarial practice.CGI Courses at RMI
CGI’s suite of Level 4 qualifications in international finance and administration provides a broad overview of the offshore financial market and the opportunity to specialise in
either accounting or investment. These qualifications give you the underpinning knowledge that you need for a successful career in the offshore financial services sector.
CGI’s International Finance and Administration suite comprises four qualifications, each set at Level 4 on the higher education framework (the equivalent to first year undergraduate
- CGI Level 4 Award in International Finance and Administration This qualification provides an introduction to the offshore financial environment, including products and services available, how the sector is monitored and regulated, as well as how trusts and companies are created and managed.
- CGI Level 4 Subsidiary Certificate in International Finance, Investment and Administration This qualification covers the same introduction to the offshore financial environment as the Award, and introduces types of investment products and how they work.
- CGI Level 4 Subsidiary Certificate in International Finance, Accounting and Administration This qualification covers the same introduction to the offshore financial environment as the Award, and introduces the fundamentals of accounting – how financial information is created and used.
- CGI Level 4 Certificate in International Finance and Administration This qualification covers the same introduction to the offshore financial environment as the Award, plus fundamentals of accounting and investment, as covered in the Subsidiary Certificates.
CGI’s suite of Level 5 International Finance and Administration qualifications provide a comprehensive overview of the offshore finance and business market and the opportunity to specialise in fund administration, business management or financial reporting and governance. These qualifications contain the underpinning knowledge and skills needed for a successful career in the offshore financial services sector.
CGI’s International Finance and Administration suite comprises three qualifications, each set at Level 5 on the higher education framework (the equivalent to second year undergraduate level):
- CGI Level 5 Advanced Certificate in International Finance and Administration This qualification covers the principles of offshore trust and company administration and the choice to specialise in either fund administration, business management or financial reporting and governance.
- CGI Level 5 Subsidiary Diploma in International Finance and Administration This qualification covers the principles of offshore trust and company administration and the choice to specialise in two other subject areas – fund administration, business management or financial reporting and governance.
- CGI Level 5 Diploma in International Finance and Administration (DipICSA) This qualification covers all four of the subject areas offered in the suite – offshore trust and company administration, fund administration, business management and financial reporting and governance. Enquire about our next Level 5 course
Step up to the boardroom - Become a chartered company secretary.
The Chartered Secretaries Qualifying Scheme (CSQS) is one of the most broad-based qualifying programmes, equipping successful graduates with a variety of career paths and awarding chartered status with post nominals upon successful completion.
CSQS is set at a Post-Graduate Level qualification(level 6 and 7) and is comprised of two sets of four modules, comprising level 1 and level 2.
Not sure if CSQS is the right qualification for you?
Enquire about our next CSQS course
 Upcoming CGI Courses at RMI
Use the buttons below to learn about upcoming CGI courses at RMI.
Note: They link to large pdf files that open in a new
window and may take a while to download.
Level 4 Certificate In Corporate Governance:
Time Table (PDF)
Flyer (PDF)
International Finance and Administration: Core Modules:
Time Table (PDF)
Flyer (PDF)
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