

Academic Warning, Academic Probation & Academic Suspension
Students will be placed on Academic Warning if they have attempted at least nine semester hours at the College and their cumulative HLSCC grade point average falls below 2.00. Students may be placed on Academic Warning only once during their matriculation at HLSCC. Academic Warning shall not become part of the official transcript.
Students who have been placed on Academic Warning at any time during their matriculation at HLSCC will be subject to Academic Probation if they fail to maintain a 2.00 cumulative grade point average at HLSCC in any subsequent semester of attendance. Academic Probation shall become part of the official transcript.
Students who have been placed on Academic Probation at any time during their matriculation at HLSCC will be subject to Academic Suspension if they fail to maintain a 2.00 cumulative grade point average at HLSCC in any subsequent semester of attendance. Academic Suspension shall become part of the official transcript.
Students who are subject to Academic Suspension will have their academic progress reviewed by the appropriate Academic Dean and will be notified in writing. A student’s suspension may be for a single semester or for a full academic year and may or may not include summer terms at the discretion of the appropriate Academic Dean.
A second suspension will be for a minimum of a full academic year. Following academic suspension, the student must apply for readmission to the College. Readmission requires the permission of the appropriate Academic Dean.
Students returning to the College following academic suspension are automatically placed on Academic Probation until they achieve a cumulative GPA of 2.0 or higher.
Limitation of Coursework
In areas of study where the subject matter changes rapidly, material in courses taken
long before graduation may become obsolete or irrelevant. In certain subject
areas where a pre-requisite is required, a time limit is needed to ensure the ability of
the student to recall and understand material from the pre-requisite course.
As such,HLSCC reserves the right to review courses for age relevance and to use discretion in
their application towards degree/certificate requirements and the taking of subsequent
Limitation of Programme
All Associate Degree programmes must be completed within six years of the start date
to ensure validity of credits for graduation. Students who exceed this time limit would
be required to take or challenge the required courses to qualify for graduation.
Transfer of Credits – In
Students who have completed college course work at accredited or recognised post-secondary institutions may receive credit toward a certifi cate or degree from HLSCC. Students who wish a transfer credit evaluation must apply for admission to HLSCC and request that an offi cial copy of their previous academic transcripts be sent to the Office of the Registrar. Official course outlines may be requested to determine equivalency of courses.
Transfer of Credits – Out
HLSCC has linkages with many colleges and universities. Transfer students possessing an Associate Degree from HLSCC have been awarded up to two years advanced placement in their programmes by many US colleges and universities.
Students wishing to apply for transfer to colleges and universities overseas may normally expect that their applications will be considered on merit on a course-by course assessment of courses completed at the H. Lavity Stoutt Community College. It must be borne in mind, however, that institutions differ with respect to their policies regarding credit transfer.
Each institution will, therefore, determine the transferability of credits, depending upon the contents of the applicant’s transcript and the requirements of the programme for which application is being made. Applicants should expect to supply the course descriptions (as they appear in the HLSCC catalogue) of those courses for which they wish to have credits transferred.
Degree Audits
Degree audits are assigned to each student. Study the degree audit, then prepare for the course offerings presented for the semester carefully; give due consideration to your academic programme and your personal responsibilities as you decide on your registration.
Registration and Withdrawal
An official registration is the acceptance by the Registrar and by the Bursar of an individual’s course registration form with the appropriate amount of tuition and fees. Students are not members in any course or class until their names appear on the official roster or the lecturer has received official evidence of registration or the class permit card from the registrar.
The students remain members of a class until grades are reported or until they withdraw from the course or until if for any reason they are suspended from class. Students are considered present once they have reported to the class.
Add/Drop Period
For Fall and Spring semesters the add/drop period lasts one week, the first week of classes. During the summer, the last day to add classes is the day following the start of classes. The ADD/Drop Form must be completed.
After the add/drop period and through the end of the first 10 weeks of classes, students can withdraw from classes. During weeks 2 through 5 of the Fall and spring semesters a ‘W’ grade is assigned. From weeks 6 through 10 a ‘WP’ or ‘WF’ is assigned according to student performance up to the point of withdrawal. During the Summer the ‘W’ grade is assigned during the first five days, and the ‘WP’ or ‘WF’ during days 6 through 11.
Any student who experiences unusual hardship such as a serious medical condition may seek special consideration through a written petition to the President. Petitions should, where possible, be documented with supporting statements from a doctor, counsellor, or family member who has knowledge of the situation. If in the opinion of the President, the request is justified, a grade of ‘Q’ (dropped by the President’s permission) will be recorded on the student’s transcript.
Students are reminded that they must follow the official withdrawal process, including using the Late Withdrawal Form if they do not wish to complete a course. Failure to do so will result in a grade of ‘F’ on the student’s official transcript.
Repeat Course Action
Students receiving an unsatisfactory grade in a course are allowed to repeat the course three times. Repeated unsuccessful attempts affect the student’s GPA and may make the students subject to academic warning, academic probation or academic suspension.
If a course taken at the College is repeated at the College, the official grade is the best letter grade earned although all grades appear on the academic transcript. The student is responsible for notifying the Registry when a course is repeated. Only the best letter grade earned in the repeated course will be used in computing the cumulative grade point average (GPA).
A hold is a block that prevents students from either registering for classes, or accessing the student records or both. Students may view their holds through their SONIS account. To have a hold removed students must contact the department that placed the hold and make arrangements to have it removed, including fulfilling any obligations which led to the hold being placed in the first instance.
An override allows a student to bypass class size, class and major restrictions and time conflicts. Overrides must be signed off by the relevant Dean.
Overload of Classes
Over 17 hours is considered an overload. Any overload request must be signed by the relevant Dean.